BOT Tester

Used exclusively for testing new BOTs

Our BOTs for your benefit

There are too many to list but here are some key features which translate to organisational and/or employee benefits

Features All inclusive
Individual self assessment with automation for employees AND candidates
Job/Role definitions
Optional skill endorsement
Skill gap analysis and candidate matching
Career development action planning
Predefined actions mapped to SFIA
Analytics - Both organisational and management
Enhance SFIA with your own skill attributes
Not enough? Here a few more
Current/Future and Proposed job matching
GDPR compliant
Automated reporting
Sample jobs included
3rd party training portfolios mapped to SFIA
Bulk upload and update capability
Export data
Single sign-on and integration
And more.....
Access control based on permissions and data
Add your brand logo to personalise your workforce experience
Automated notifications for missed actions etc. to keep your employees engaged
License use tracking to keep control of costs
Incorporates all language versions provided by the SFIA Foundation
Interactive SFIA explorer at your fingertips
Unique URL for recruitment to use in your job advertisements
Dashboard for keeping track of activity