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Skill management excellence and customer loyalty

Measuring skill management excellence and customer loyalty using Net Promoter Score (NPS) and user feedback

NPS scoring description

The creators of NPS, Bain & Company, suggest a score:

  • Above 0 is good
  • Above 20 is favourable
  • Above 50 is excellent -> We’re here
  • Above 80 is world class> Our goal


What is NPS? 

Net Promoter Score is based on a simple survey question, that gets randomly presented to users in their Planner sessions:

“How likely it is that you would recommend SkillsTX to a friend?”

Respondents give a rating between 0 (not at all likely) and 10 (extremely likely) and, depending on their response, fall into one of three categories to establish a NPS score:

😃 Promoters – respond with a score of 9 or 10 – Loyal enthusiast users who will keep using SkillsTX and fuel growth by referring others.

😐 Passives – respond with a score of 7 or 8 – Satisfied but unenthusiastic customers who are vulnerable to competitive offerings.

😞 Detractors – respond with a score of 0 to 6. –  Unhappy users who can impede growth through negative word-of-mouth.

NPS = % of Promoters  —  % of Detractors 


But wait, there is more

In addition to the score feedback, users are invited to leave comments. We monitor the comments related to the surveys and Planner. This provides us with great insight into the user experience, which in turn drives our development roadmap.


Positive Comments Feedback 😃

The following are some of the more inciteful positive feedback comments we have received:

It’s a good way to know your current position on a global standard. Useful and pragmatic tool for supporting my career
It is an amazing tool Benefical for career progress
Professional development planning linked to SFIA It is very useful to understand the depth of the work under specific criteria
Good way of identifying personal skills gap. Great experience
The ease of the site – documentation and speedy email of password and self-assessment So far, the interaction has been great.  Lots of information.
I’m using it to determine a learning and development program for myself during a career break and finding it very useful. It adds value to the individaul and the organisation – a good process for skills development and demonstration
A tool every organisation should have for PDP preparation Good comprehensive training with excellent exercises to make to think
Very structured and highly professional approach. it’s very comprehensive and easy to use.
It mostly fits for all profiles Seems straightforward
I came across different skills where I have to improve myself. Me myself I gained lots of more experience about skills and how I improve my career. Any IT guru will have clear insight about his future.
seems easy to use and well explained This is an excellent tool
It’s a good way to know your current position on a global standard. The report is useful and highlights opportunities for growth
We need it my favourite comment 👍



Negative Comments Feedback 😞

Believe me or not, 😉 there were not many of them, and we took them on board.

There were a few basic themes:

  • Performance – We made improvements to both the survey and Planner performance, and we have just completed re-engineering our User Interface (UI) with performance and User Experience (UX) at the forefront.
  • Question complexity – Because we are committed to staying true to the SFIA framework and the SFIA philosophy and maintain our accreditation in the use of SFIA, we were unable to make changes to, or simplify the SFIA7 descriptions, which sometimes can look quite complex in Survey format.
    • Resolved – SFIA8 has basically done that for us. The SFIA Foundation took that aspect on board themselves, and the feedback we have received during SFIA8 beta testing is that the format of the SFIA8 skill descriptions is far more readable and understandable in a survey format.


Excellence and Loyalty for corporate customers

We also measure skills assessment excellence and customer loyalty for our corporate clients.

  • license renewal is our most telling statistic. And we have a 92% license renewal rate for our corporate clients.






How can you experience excellence and become a loyal customer?