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What type of SkillsTX Partner are you?

SkillsTX Partnership Options:

Referral Partner

  • A mutual referral scheme where the Partner and SkillsTX can introduce potential customers to each other, where the products/services might be able to help the customer
  • Suitable for those who prefer to remain independent or not take a licensing margin, including those not yet ready for co-sell or re-sell

Professional Membership Partner

  • A mutual referral scheme where the Partner and SkillsTX can introduce potential customers to each other, where the products/services might be able to help the customer
  • Suitable for Professional Bodies and Membership Organizations who prefer to remain independent or not take a licensing margin. Some professional membership partners may also wish to be Co-sellers or Resellers

Licensing Partner (Co-seller)

  • Offer SkillsTX SaaS licences and/or training and professional services to their customers as part of their portfolio
  • Work collaboratively to jointly engage with customers, with SkillsTX providing greater hands-on sales and marketing support

Licensing Partner (Reseller)

  • Resells SkillsTX SaaS licences and/or training and professional services
  • Higher margin to reflect partner’s self-sufficient sales and marketing capability

Professional Services Partner

  • Partner with in-house SFIA capability, where SkillsTX can either introduce potential customers or can integrate the partner capability into a proposition for a customer
  • Typically Professional Services Partners will also be co-sellers or resellers, and can integrated SkillsTX products and/or services into their proposals for customers
  • Support is available from SkillsTX to help develop capability and apply for SFIA Accreditation, supporting the transition from Referral Partner to Co-seller and on to Reseller

Mapping Partner

  • Partner who has products or services which can be mapped to SFIA, and represented within the SkillsTX SaaS solution – for example, training courses or certifications.

Our partner network are here to add value, why not join them!

Talk to us about which partnership option or options will work best for you and your customers

Interested in joining us?