Digital Transformation
IT Leadership Demands Transformation
This is a lot of pressure.
How are you dealing with the great resignation and ever growing Vacancies within your organization?
It isn’t enough to get the job done and hit KPIs. Leadership is doing that with and through your team.
SkillsTX with the SFIA framework helps save time and improve effectiveness in the following areas of potential;
- precise assessment of capabilities
- monitoring aptitude
- identify development opportunities
- improving retention
- reduced time hiring
- hiring accurate skills for the role
- identifying skills needed
- assigning the right talent to teams
How well you do this can be the difference between success and failure – for you and your team.
SkillsTX is your secret weapon to unlocking Digital and IT skills and talent and keeping it. Our passion for potential ensures you realize yours.

You are not alone…
All organizations struggle to select the right talent, identify latent talent and nurture hidden talent in their cohorts of full time, part time, casual and contracted teams.
I don’t have enough of the right people to win
A function of not keeping good people and not being able to identify, enable and empower their replacements from within.
I can’t attract people with the skills I need
Not because of budget, but because they don’t exist!
As a leader, it’s your responsibility to be looking, testing and ultimately solving those challenges…
We made it our mission to solve this with you. And we have been doing it successfully with organizations like Coca-Cola, the Australian Government and the following;

The future will belong to those organizations that can harness the creative and productive capacity of the one truly scarce resource – talent. Without talent, you are not able to move at the speed and quality that is necessary.
With mass vacancies this loss of productivity will impact bottom line performance and the returns to executives, management and stakeholders.
Take Your Employee Experience Quick Scan Today
In under 60 seconds our targeted quiz, that you can answer right away, will help you quantify the lost human potential for your business.
Compare your results to the industry average.
The Quick Scan is based on decades of experience and allows us to instantly evaluate your potential for improvement.
And we send you your data and results to your instantly to help you start your Digital Transformation today on your own terms.

The Skills Bubble Hitting Digitally Dependent Companies
History can be a great teacher. The Dot Com bubble peaked in early 2000 and saw nearly 50% of Internet companies wiped out by 2002. The finite resource was revenue from customers to meet the expectations of business plans overinflated by low cost of capital, media hype and a rapid adoption of Internet services. This saw valuations and growth estimations that needed many times the population for them all to succeed. Someone was always going to miss out. The same can be said today for technology dependent companies and the skills that are needed to sustain them. The hard truth is that we already know there are not enough skilled people to go around, or at least not in the time frame our current business plans demand.
Escaping The Perpetual Hiring Cycle
For most technology dependent companies (i.e. most companies), hiring and developing talent is taking a larger portion of your time. Using tools like SkillsTX shortcuts this time and ensures you make better, faster and clearer decisions around role definition, skills assessment and fit.
I spend my whole week hiring people to replace the turnstile of staff being poached!
How to not be left behind?
Skilled Digital people are the fuel of the next cycle of business growth. And the leaders that master this will be the leaders of tomorrow.
Both professionally and personally the larger returns will go to those able to Transform service and business models quickly using the talent on hand and the talent you can attract.
Keep the good people you have trained up and who know your systems. Losing your key people has substantial costs and risks.
Identify latent skills, retrain and redeploy them into higher value roles. Using the SFIA framework and SkillsTX you can readily identify team members.
Recruit with Purpose and be an Employer of Choice. Learning and Development and Challenging work are key to providing competitive and compelling roles that attract the digital stars of your future.
Retain and Retrain IT Talent
The best way to combat the great resignation and build a stable team of valuable staff is to be an employer of choice. Employers of choice have more engaged staff and higher productivity levels. There are 5 reasons cited as the most common reasons people leave, and SkillsTX can help reduce or eliminate all 5.
This is also in the context of the whole value exchange. In exit interviews staff cite not being valued for the work they produce, being over worked and not connected to the goals of the company.
Bored, no sense of direction, next step. SkillsTX can make these pathways explicit and the steps to move into the next role very clear.
Too many projects, lack of support from others with suitable skills to assist. Bringing more of the broader team skills to bear on key projects can alleviate the pressure on your stars and minimise the risk of burn out.
We love the truism that people join organisations but leave managers. SkillsTX helps your managers become great leaders of their teams.
And if too many roles not recognised by the company.
How to start your transformation process
In less than the time it took to read this far (10 minutes or so?) you can complete an assessment based on observations you can make immediately.
Our confidential “Digital Transformation” report will be in your inbox and will help guide your discovery of the missed opportunities and uncover the blockages holding your organization or your team back.
The Digital Age is a time to excel, not be left behind. Let us help you lead.
- The data you have to hand on your teams’ capability now
- Management acumen of your projects relative to others
- An assessment of time spent in hiring, training, head hunting and restructuring your team/s
- Depth of understanding of team members aptitude, potential and skills
- Provide you a plan to win the Skills Bubble today and the foreseeable future
If you are ready to size the gap for you, your team and your organization, we are ready to help map your best path to a truly Digitally Enabled Organization. Use our free SkillsTX assessment tool to identify your gaps and opportunities now. We have leveraged 120 years of experience among our leadership team, the SFIA framework and millions of data points to create a simple but powerful test to highlight the value you can unlock by transforming your business.
Once you have finished your assessment, you’ll find a link to book your consultation. Our team will walk through your results with you.