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“69% say their cybersecurity teams are understaffed”

ISACA Cybersecurity State 2019 report cover

ISACA have just released part 1 of their 2019 State of Cybersecurity report, which can be downloaded here.

Here are a few headlines that yet again demonstrate that it is essential to focus on people and skills, and improve your Digital Skills Management maturity.

  • “Skills gap still not shrinking”
  • “69% say their cybersecurity teams are understaffed”
  • “58% have unfilled (open) cybersecurity positions”
  • “32% say it take six months or more to fill cybersecurity jobs at their organization”
  • “29% say fewer than one-quarter of job candidate are qualified for the cybersecurity position for which they applied”
  • “Technically proficient cybersecurity professionals continue to be in short supply and difficult to find. This fact is compounded when coupled with the realization that the greatest skill needed in the field is business acumen. Currently, the most prized hire in a cybersecurity team is a technically proficient individual who also understands business operations and how cybersecurity fits into the greater needs of the enterprise.”
  • “Retaining cybersecurity professionals is exceptionally difficult, and the current enticement of employer-paid training and certification are not ensuring retention. Cybersecurity personnel are leaving most often for greater pay, career advancement and perceived healthier work environments.”

I know that some don’t believe there is a skills shortage, and maybe these are the ones who are doing the right things to attract and retain the best people. However, if you are worried you might have some sort of people and skills risk in cybersecurity capability, or in Digital, IT or any other similar technology-dependent skillset, I would suggest starting with our FREE Digital Skills Management Maturity assessment – it will only take you 5-minutes, you’ll confirm if you have a risk, and will get some useful guidance.